a beautiful day in the neighborhood

today was a very “fall” day. windy, leaves blowing with a crispness in the air. good football weather as i described it the other night when i was walking home and it felt like this. it is perfect for bundling up and drinking hot chocolate while watching the game. it makes me wish i went to a big state school where i could have continued to go to games and be pumped about them. last year we went to a minnesota game and even though i was in the fourth row it didn’t feel quite right. not to mention it was in the metrodome where the whole “football weather” idea is non existent and everything echoes so you don’t understand what was said. i liked the cheerleaders and the band, so i suppose it was good enough.

the second grader i nanny brought a friend home today. on the ride from school they were discussing the length of their leg hair and how they will shave in fourth grade. fourth grade!? i was i just slow or is this early? i remember shaving in sixth grade for cheerleading tryouts at the end of the year. and then they continued to talk about how they will get armpit hair and that boys’ armpits are so gross. maybe i don’t remember the topics i discussed in second grade, but i feel like bodily hair was the last thing on my mind. i was more worried about the boys on the playground and my cousin who always got them instead of me. i’d have rather talked about new kids on the block than a “real” boy’s armpits. they say kids are growing up faster these days…maybe i really is true.

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    Jenn September 28, 2005 (10:59 pm)

    I’m with you on the shaving thing…and the new kids thing.