last year we welcomed mariah into our family, traveled to italy and virginia, nick's blog took off, i made the difficult transition to be a working mom, and we shared so many joyful moments together as a family. it was a wonderful and life changing year. what lies ahead for the gray family in 2010? any life changing circumstances this year?  what i do know is that we'll celebrate 5 years of marriage. nick will travel for his blog. i may start my own photography business. the resolutions i ...

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lazy weekend

a few photos from after christmas:

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wonderful christmas

we had a wonderful christmas this year. my first real tree, mariah's first christmas, and a winter wonderland of snow. we celebrated in our own home with nick's brother, and were joined christmas morning by our parents via skype. it was pretty crazy to have mariah crawling around opening presents while two laptops with talking heads cheered her on.  at one point we put our parents face to face to chat with each other. it's still a bit bizarre to me that we could bring them into our christmas ...

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happy thanksgiving

i'm so grateful for my family this thanksgiving! we're blessed to have such a joyful little girl in our lives. here are a few pics from the day

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long time gone

july 20th was the last real entry on here.  holy smokes! i honestly don't know if people read our blog that much, but there certainly hasn't been much reading happening due to my lack of writing. an update is in order, but i hope to get back to writing more frequently again. i could easily turn this into a mom blog and write just about motherhood and all that comes with it. i went back to work august 3rd, which is the main reason blogging has gone by the wayside.  it was a VERY rough ...

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birth photos

our doula, nancy, brought over our birth photos today.  so glad we have them - this means i can finish up my photo book and submit it to print!  for the whole birth story see [THIS] entry. they're not in order, and for some reason i can't get them to change...hmmm...

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sad zebra

this past friday we took a trip to como zoo which is a free zoo in our area.  although we said we were taking mariah, nick had never been before so really it was for him!  they've really added a lot to the ride area, and it seems they are making improvements to the animal areas as well.  it's about time!  i feel so bad for those animals.  i realize it's because the place is free and small, but they all looked so sad!  like this zebra. he may look sad, but he's very photogenic.  i love ...

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i've finally gone through all of the pictures from alicia's wedding and edited them.  we had over 700 to sort through!  but i'm pretty pleased with what we've got and looking forward to putting her album together once i have her other photos. these were two of my favorites from the reception.  i love the expressions on their faces and how nick captured the moment.  alicia and neemias are back from their two week honeymoon around europe and back to the real world, but i'm sure they're ...

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