tech tuesday: google googles


that’s what i yelled at the computer multiple times last night when nick showed me a video on the latest app for his android phone: google goggles. not only can you type in a search or yell say it to your phone. you can now take a picture with your phone!

that’s right folks, you can take a picture of art in the museum and google will kick back a page of results and information about that painting. how cool is that!? driving by a landmark? take a picture and you’ll instantly know about it.  perhaps the most amazing feature is how google goggles allows you to point your phone at local businesses and right before your eyes an address for the business, store, restaurant etc. pops right up on the screen for you to click then leads you to a google search for it!

sorry for the excessive exclamation points, but DANG i’m excited!!!! now if i had my very own android phone i could actually use this technology. but i’m madly in love with my simple, no frills t-mobile dash. it may break my heart to let it go. and besides, i still can’t type well on those flat android keyboards or the touch screen. (nick says i just need practice, but i’m convinced there’s no hope).

*sigh* i’ll just have to steal nick’s phone frequently to use google goggles. well to be honest….i’m not sure i’ll ever need google goggles, i just REALLY love the concept. it blows my mind that someone could come up with that technology!

and now for the video:

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