celebrating 5 years

let’s pretend i wrote this last weekend. when it was actually our anniversary…

five years ago i married the man of my dreams. five years. the first little milestone. ok, maybe the second. year one is the first i suppose.

five years ago…

i was tan!  look at that picture. wow. my years of tanning beds are long gone. i should really see a dermatologist.

i had only left the country once before. nick took me to italy when we were engaged. now my travels include barbados, argentina, france, switzerland…

i was still a student who swore she’d never be one of “those people” who worked at north central right after graduation. God has a sense of humor. and i love my job!

the prices of homes were still incredibly high and we couldn’t predict the drop. we were celebrating our first anniversary as homeowners. now we’re here for the long haul.

we thought we’d just now be trying to have children. i never expected to get baby fever so soon. so glad we didn’t wait!

the plan was to take a 5 year cruise to celebrate. i couldn’t bring myself to leave mariah for that long considering i’d never even left her overnight.

instead we did dinner downtown and stayed in the W hotel. it was a wonderful night. just us. thinking back on the last few years and dreaming about what the next 5 might bring.


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    Dawn June 6, 2010 (7:53 pm)

    Thanks for sharing Rach – loved it and love you!

    We are celebrating one this next week :)

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    Heather June 7, 2010 (11:22 am)

    Thanks for sharing! Dave and I are celebrating ours in Seattle at a Mariners game this next month. So awesome and wierd at the same time that we all got boyfriends who turned into husbands all the same year.:)