The ebay game

So I've always wondered what everyone's fascination was with ebay.   I have a few friends who seem lot live on the website, buying and selling anything that they can get their hands on.  I've used the site in the past, but this past week I've listed a few items on ebay and I think I know now what all my friends feel every time they go on the site. I find myself checking on my listed intems every few hours to see if there's another bid placed. I've even ...

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snow camp

I guess Rachel beat me to it.  I was going to write something on here since I know there has not been anything updated in a long time.  But since she did not upload any pictures with her post, I though I'd share a few of them.  Click here or on the picture. and also... Rachel's girl's are not the only ones that have fun dancing.  The guys sometimes like to have a little fun as well.

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The Christmas Rush

So both Rachel and I have planned out what we want and are goign to get each other for Christmas.  We bot hahve lists, and we've had them for about a month now.  Like always htough I've almost wiated till the last minute to do all the shopping.  Last night I spend a few hours online doing some shopping, making sure all the items will arrive before Christmas.  There's still a few things that I need to buy but now most the pressure is off since the remaining items ...

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Some old pictures

I was going through some of my old pictures on my computer and though I'd put together a few picture albums of some of my urban exploration trips.  I was a bit disappointed though as I was goign through all the pictures I had because it seems like I've lost quite a bit in transfering pictures from computer to computer over the years.  Midwest Insane Assylums Abandoned Bowling Alley Tunnels Fort

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Gift Hat dot com

This is probably not a good reason to write a post on our blog, but it's our blog and I get to choose what I write.  A few weeks back I found a great tool for all your Christmas shopping needs.  We all like going out to the stores and finding presents for the people we love, but we always feel guilty asking people for presents. is the answer! It's kinda like a gift registry except that it allows you to add items from any online store.  this ...

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More and more pictures

Ok, so by now most people are wondering why in the world I am writing three post in a row or even two posts in the same day.  I told Rachel that I had uploaded some pictures to the blog and she said "Oh, the ones from our walk?" Of course I didn't upload those so I sat down at the computer and realized that I even forgot to upload pictures from my trip to Disney last month.  Enjoy... Disney Work Trip Fall Walk

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I know it's a few weeks late, but late is always better than never.  I've finally gone through all the picture from Minnesota Youth Convention.  I hope you enjoy the shots.  I was also able to get a few video clips of the Afters' concert.  I'll try to see if I can get them uploaded to google video. MYC.06 Pictures

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Back Out

It's been a while since I have written anyhting on here.  Usually Rachel handles all the big events of our lives and fills everyone in on whats going on.  This past weekend I threw my back out while helping a friend move.  It always seems like when you do something nice for someone, something always hits you in the back (no pun intended).  On Saturday night, Rachel and I took a little trip to the emergency room so I could fill up on drugs. The pain is mostly gone now ...

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just sitting around

Well, it's only the beginning of the week and i think I'm already bored.  As you probably know from the previous post, Rachel is in Argentina till Sunday, which leaves me at home all alone.  I've done some chores, hung curtains, and a few other things, but only because I was bored. I watched 4 World Cup games this past weekend and also the NBA finals, but there are no more games on ABC till later on in the week which means I will have to find something else to do.  ...

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Business Trip

It's definitely going to be a short work week.  Tomorrow I will be traveling to Tampa, FL for a few days for the yearly is Group Show (Independent Stationers).  Sounds like a whole lot of fun! I get to work the convention floor for hours on end for two days, talking with office supply dealers one after another about the same thing.   Actually it may be more fun than I originally thought.  I just got our schedule and it looks like there are only about 8 hours of actual work ...

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