back breaking

well p90x has taken quite the toll on nick. thanks to the yoga we did on thursday, he’s out of commission. seriously. he woke up the morning after we did only 30 minutes of the 1.5 hours we were supposed to do.

while he’s been in pain every time he moves positions and i really do feel bad for him, there’s a little part of me that get’s excited because it means i win at yoga. but that little part is quickly shut down when i have to do the rest of p90x alone. and then it’s silenced again when i am the only one who can chase mariah around, pick her up, put her to bed…..all nick can do is sit still and hold her or lay on the floor and play with her.

yesterday, he did our taxes (for WAY too long) while standing at the fireplace. he needed to keep ice on his back per the chiropractor’s recommendation, so he got creative:

a baggie of ice attached with one of the p90x bands!  it worked i guess.

today it’s heat on the back and he seems to be doing better.  a trip to the chiropractor will need to happen again since he can’t straighten his back. i hope he gets better soon so i’m not doing all the work around here.

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