
here i go again. writing about weight loss. if you recall, i’ve talked about it {here}, {here}, {here} and even {here}. so i write about it a lot? big deal!

oh wait, it is a big deal.  i want to be back to at least my pre-pregnancy weight (i’m stuck at 10lbs. to go) and i’d LOVE to be the same size  i was when i got married. and it’s totally possible.  i just have to put in the effort.  i need a plan.  i need motivation.

i think i found the solution.

the plan: {p90x}.

i look at it this way. it’s just 90 days. that’s it.  not a “lifetime commitment”, although i’d like to continue working out moderately after these 90 days. it’s different from jillian michaels’ 30 day shred because this workout has variety. 12 different workouts.  jillian was making me do the same thing for 10 days before moving on to the next thing. not my cup of tea.

not only do i have the workout to get me going, i asked nick to join me. nick and i have never worked out together. i  do the lose weight thing at a gym normally. no need for him to do that one – he’s got no weight to lose. he does the train for a marathon or 250 mile relay race and then stop working out until the next goal.

but this time he’s joining me. p90x can be tailored for fat moms like me who need to shed pounds AND can work for skinny dads who want to look beefy. (beefy? hmmm maybe not the best word choice)

anyway, we’re both committed. for 90 days.

so far after two days i’m getting a bit competitive and i’d like everyone to know that i’m beating him. ok, maybe i just know how to pace myself, but i can keep going when nick is collapsed on the floor. therefore, i win.

i’ll spare you the jiggly before photos of myself for now. once i look like this ripped lady i’ll show you how dramatic my transformation was but i’ll give you some warning to prevent any vomiting.

this time my plan will work. no more writing about how i’m starting something new or unhappy with my weight. this is it. i’m going for it!

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